The 13 Days of CREEPMAS

A reaction to the continuing incursion of Christmas into Autumn and Halloween, CREEPMAS is a good-natured chance for Halloween lovers to exact revenge by bringing some spooky good cheer into the holidays or, more appropriately, the Hallowdays


On November 3, 2011, artist Chad Savage tweeted: "The incursion of Christmas into Autumn has me seriously considering leaving my Halloween yard decor up until January. Christmas scarecrows!" Shortly thereafter, he tweeted again saying his awesome wife gave the thumbs up to keeping the scarecrows out.

The following day, the AEIOU and Sometimes Why blog proposed CREEPMAS. Read the original post HERE.

Within hours, the idea caught fire and here we are! The "Creep" is a double entendre, referring to Christmas creeping into Autumn/October/Halloween and to the "creepy" nature of what we're proposing, here. CREEPMAS!

1 comment:

  1. I agree Christmas is trampling Halloween thanks to, who else, corporate interests.Why is it they ruin everything? I think this is a brilliant idea and people can find resources and ideas in many other places outside Tim Burton. A Christmas Carol, Krumpus Night, and a pleathera of Christmas ghost story traditions.
